TURN: Teacher Union Reform Network
Great Lakes

Deepening Student Learning through Engaging Students and Adults

January 22, 2018

Chad D’Entrement, Executive Director of the Rennie Center for Education Research & Policy, opened the GL TURN fall meeting sharing key findings from their research report “Social-Emotional Learning: Opportunities for Districts and States and Lessons for the Nation.” The Collaborative for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning (CASEL) identifies five interrelated clusters of cognitive, affective, and behavior competencies to guide schools and districts in effective planning and implementation of SEL programs and strategies.

Naperville School District 203 in Illinois, shared their efforts to apply the CASEL standards in schools and classrooms throughout their district. Breakout sessions allowed participants to deepen their understanding of SEL in addition to redefining the roles and responsibilities of principals and site-based union representatives.

Mag Gardner, New Pedagogies for Deep Learning, provided an overview of this global partnership to engage students in their own learning in new and exciting ways. Participants also examined ways to re-ignite PLCs to focus on the “right drivers” and heard from Education Minnesota about their efforts to engage early career educators as leaders in their association, schools and districts. As always, teams have opportunities to reflect together as they consider opportunities to improve professional practices and deepen student learning.